Three Tips To Use When Trying To Find A Show To Book For Your School

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Party Entertainment Tips

I have six children, so as you can imagine, I host my fair share of children's birthday parties! One thing I have learned is that no children's party is complete without good entertainment. I have hired clowns, magicians, and dance troupes to entertain my children during their parties, and they are always eager to see what I have in store for them as each of their birthdays arrive. I love party planning so much that I also help my friends and family plan all of their parties and helped my sister plan her wedding. I have learned a lot of great tips for entertaining children and party planning that I am very eager to share with everyone on my new blog!


Three Tips To Use When Trying To Find A Show To Book For Your School

9 November 2017
 Categories: Entertainment, Blog

Having shows performed for the students in your school allows them to take a break from their studies and be able to learn something in a unique way. When choosing the school assembly show that you want to book for your school, you need to take a few things into consideration. The following guide walks you through a checklist of things to consider when choosing the right show to book for your school:

Consider the Appropriateness of the Show

The first thing you need to do is consider what you want the children to see. You need to be sure that the show you choose is appropriate for all children in your school to see. Be sure that there are no sexual innuendos within the show and that there is no foul language or racial jokes in it. You do not want the children to leave having learned any form of hate or inappropriateness from the show.

Consider the Length of the Show

You need to consider how long you want the show to be. You do not want the children to miss an entire day of learning to watch a show, but you do want it to be long enough that the children can learn something from it. It is best to choose a show that is an hour to an hour and a half in length as younger children may not be able to pay attention to a show that is much longer because they have a shorter attention span than older children.

Consider When You Want the Show to Take Place

It is best to have the show take place on a day when there are no major events going on at the school. You do not want to book it during exams or SOL testing as this could interfere with the testing schedule. You may want to book the show for a Friday before the children go on break for a few days before a holiday. On these days children typically do not have a lot going on in the classroom so it should not interfere with their learning too much.

Be sure to sit down with the manager of the show and let them know what your restrictions are when it comes to the performance. Let them know if you have guidelines that must be met for the words that they use or for the costumes that they wear. You want to be sure that no children see anything that they should not see or hear anything they should not hear.

Contact a company like Scheer Genius for more information and assistance.